Responsiv’s legal AI utilized by Origence® to save multiple hours of research and drafting every day

“Responsiv is a great name, not only because it’s responsive in terms of accuracy of the information, but it allows us as an in-house legal department to be responsive to the different departments who have these issues and questions that they need answered.”

Erin Wilson, General Counsel

Aron Rofer, Deputy General Counsel

“Responsiv is a great name, not only because it’s responsive in terms of accuracy of the information, but it allows us as an in-house legal department to be responsive to the different departments who have these issues and questions that they need answered.”

Erin Wilson, General Counsel

Aron Rofer, Deputy General Counsel

Origence’s legal team serves a complex, regulated business

Origence, formerly known as CU Direct, is a credit union service organization (CUSO) that provides financial technology solutions to credit unions. Along with its wholly owned subsidiaries, Origence Lending Services and FI Connect, the business covers consumer loan transaction technology, and origination, account opening, marketing support, consumer loan support services including processing and underwriting, and a wide array of services for Credit Unions.

Origence has a lean legal and compliance team which serves a complex national business requiring knowledge of federal and state-by-state regulatory laws. This team is led by General Counsel Erin Wilson and Deputy General Counsel Aron Rofer and covers all legal aspects of the organizations – everything from employment, commercial, litigation, licensing, and regulation to enterprise risk management and vendor management.

Legal research has not been easy for in-house legal teams

To cover the scope of information the team needs to be on top of, Erin has tried lots of tools. The team experimented with a legacy legal research platform, but they found it was not worth the cost for their use cases.

“I was spending 15 hours a week on research”

Erin Wilson, General Counsel

Responsiv is a legal research and drafting platform for legal and compliance teams to quickly find legal information themselves. Responsiv’s customers save their outside counsel budget for when they actually need it.

Aron told us that “every research issue in the past would take an hour to just to find the appropriate sources, if you could even find them.” From there, he needed to analyze the source material and make sure it was comprehensive.

I use Responsiv for everything, both research and drafting

Aron found the Responsiv onboarding easy without need for an integration or company resources to invest in setting up the system. Responsiv has become his starting point for all types of legal issues that pop up.

Erin uses Responsiv for employment law, lending law, corporate governance, and all sorts of other topics. Erin is particularly impressed with the flexibility of Responsiv’s platform. Erin tells us that she has experience in lots of areas, but there are certain topics she’s not an expert in. At times, especially at the beginning of a research project, knowing what questions to ask can be a challenge. This is why Responsiv offers users suggested questions, which can help clarify and improve the original query, or offer a new direction for the research.

Focusing outside counsel work on specific issues

“Responsiv saves at least a couple hours a day”

Aron Rofer, Deputy General Counsel

Erin and Aron tell us they are saving on outside counsel costs because they are more confident in their research tool. They use Responsiv to better understand a topic and refine their questions for outside counsel. This reduces the time outside counsel spends educating the internal team on a specific issue, resulting in important savings for the company.

Aron says they often may not know right away if something is a serious issue that really requires outside counsel. They prefer to do the initial due diligence themselves and then decide if they need to engage outside counsel.

“I’ll never be an attorney again without AI.”

Aron Rofer, Deputy General Counsel

AI can help you with monotonous daily tasks that are time consuming, so you can focus on material, high risk issues that require real legal analysis.

Erin tells us she cautions people from taking AI generated information at face value. She says, “AI gets you 90% of the way there, but there should still be a level of validation.” Responsiv enables this validation to occur by providing sources and inline references.

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