Get back to the business promptly,
so legal is not the roadblock

“Even if I went to outside counsel – I would have to draft an email and they would take a day or two to get back to me. With Responsiv, I can clear off my to-do list right away.”

Kevin Harrington, General Counsel and VP, Corporate Development

“Even if I went to outside counsel – I would have to draft an email and they would take a day or two to get back to me. With Responsiv, I can clear off my to do list right away.”

Kevin Harrington, General Counsel and VP, Corporate Development

A small team to cover every legal practice area

Quicken helps individuals and small businesses see their overall financial picture in one place so their customers can make better financial decisions. Kevin Harrington is Quicken’s General Counsel and VP, Corporate Development. As a consumer-facing financial software company, privacy is frequently top of mind for Kevin. He needs to do more than just make sure Quicken complies with the law, he needs to follow privacy best practices to do right by their customers.

Beyond privacy, Kevin’s day to day includes commercial negotiations, product and website reviews, partnerships, drafting policies and corporate governance. Every day is different, and he needs to be well informed on the wide variety of legal topics related to Quicken’s business.

Use Responsiv to get back to the business faster

Responsiv is a legal research and drafting platform for legal and compliance teams to quickly find legal information themselves. Responsiv’s customers save their outside counsel budget for when they actually need it. Kevin uses Responsiv to get a quick response on a new topic, especially “when I get the kind of random questions that I don’t know much about, and internal clients want a quick response.” Internal clients often see their questions as small asks, but it can take real research to get an answer you can rely on. If Kevin went to outside counsel for some of these questions, he would have to draft an e-mail and they don’t get back to him right away. The complete process of engaging with outside counsel usually takes a day or two.

With Responsiv, Kevin can check items off his team’s to-do list himself with a much higher quality analysis than if he were to do the research on his own without a tool. Responsiv’s AI-generated response usually forms the base of his internal response as it is presented in a client-ready format, so he’s also saving time on summarizing.

“I’ve saved some money on outside counsel, but even better than saving money is how responsive you can be to the business getting back to your internal customers quickly.”

Built in verification

Kevin told us one of his favorite features is the sources provided alongside the answer. Responsiv’s main Question app generates an AI-generated summary quickly, but most importantly, there is a list of credible sources lined up right next to the answer. He often checks the statutes and secondary sources, like law firm analysis, to validate the response the system generated.

Responsiv’s analysis includes a few steps, the first of which is generating a list of sources. These include statutes, regulations, regulatory guidance, cases, and secondary analysis from law firms or law reviews. Statements made in Responsiv’s synthesized final response are referenced with a number that corresponds to one of those sources. Each reference pulls out quotes from that source that backs up the specific statement.

AI is going to make it a much more efficient process

Kevin told us that he views AI as raising the bar across the board. For him to use outside counsel, it “has to be for things that are really material and hard to find an answer to.” He believes he can probably keep from scaling the legal team now that AI is available.

He recently went to outside counsel because there was an issue where judgment was required. He started with Responsiv’s research, but still had to escalate the issue to outside counsel. Responsiv provided Kevin with the facts, and with those facts in hand, he was able to go to outside counsel specifically focused on the gray areas. Outside counsel, with experience on that gray area, can now add value on that issue specifically.

“AI from Responsiv and other tools like it will be a staple for lawyers, especially for in-house counsel. It will be a necessity and an expectation.”

Kevin told us that modern technology leads to increased expectations from your internal clients, who are used to getting answers quickly. With Responsiv’s help, he’s happy that he can get back to his internal clients so quickly and be confident that he can keep up with the increased expected pace going forward.

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